To participate in the 10th International Workshop on Combinatorial Materials Science and Technology (COMBI2018), all attendees must pay the appropriate registration fee. You will not be able to give the presentation (oral or poster) and participation if you are not registered for the meeting. All registration fees may be paid online. In case online payment is impossible please contact fujimoto_kenjiro@rs.tus.ac.jp.
The registration fee includes not only access to: conference sessions, coffee break, program, access to abstracts but also "welcome reception" and "Banquet".
Excursion to Kamakura-city including bus travel and banquet are not including in the registration fee.
*For student rates, a copy of International Student Identification Card (ISIC) or student identification card issued from university should be send to fujimoto_kenjiro@rs.tus.ac.jp after the abstract has been accepted.